Cloud storag conntections controlled by a woman

Cloud storage – what is it and how does it work?

This is going to be an explanation of all kind of important aspects of cloud storage. You will find out here how it works, but also we will share with you its benefits and different types.

Follow the article and find out all important informations about it.

What cloud storage is?

This may be a bit confusing however we are going to try explain you all of this in the best and the easiest way possible. What exactly this cloud we speak of is? In simple words the cloud is in fact the Internet well more specific it is all the things that you can access remotely over the Internet.

When you are storaging your files in a cloud you should know that it is being storaged on the Internet servers.

How does cloud storage works?

How does cloud storage works? That’s a good question! Cloud storage is using servers to save your data. You should however know that the data is being sent to servers at an off-site location. You should know something about your servers as well, they are vitual machines that are hosted on physical server. You can connect to this storage by the Interent and also you can do that by a dedicated private connection, using a web portal, website, or a mobile app.

Types of cloud storage

Does cloud storage has types? Well, of course it has! There are public clouds, private clouds, hybrid clouds and also multiclouds! Are there any differences between those types? Yes of course there are.

Public clouds

What public cloud is and how does it work? Now you should know that public cloud is created from IT infrastructure which is not owned by the end user. To make it more understandable for you, you should know some examples of the largest public clouds which are Alibaba Cloud or Google cloud.

Private clouds

Now when it comes to private clouds, you should know that they are defined as cloud environments solely dedicated to a single end user or group. We want you to make you understand this private cloud even better and that is why we are going to give you couple examples of such cloud. There are subtypes of private clouds which are for example Managed private clouds or Dedcated clouds.

Hybrid clouds

This type of cloud is a a seemingly single IT environment which is created from multiple environments connected through LANs, WANs, VPNs and APIs. You should know that this cloud is quite complex and its equirements can differ. This cloud can include two or more private clouds or two or more public clouds. This should also include at least one private cloud and at least one public one.


These clouds are made up of more than just one cloud service, from more than just one cloud vendor which is public or private. You should know that hybrid clouds are multiclouds but you should also know that not all multiclouds are hybrid clouds. This multicloud environment may exist on purpose or simply by the accident.

What are the main service models of cloud computing?

Doftware cloud computring model

You should also be aware of this what are the main service models of cloud computing, and here is the answer to it. The main service models are:

  • Platform as a service which can also be called PaaS,
  • Software as a Service which can also be called SaaS,
  • Function as a Service which can also be called FaaS,
  • Infrastructure as a Service which can also be called laaS.

Pros and cons of cloud storage

You should also be familar with all pros and cons of cloud storage. Let’s take a look at pros of cloud storage:

  1. fast realization,
  2. off-site management,
  3. it is cost effective,
  4. it has scalability,
  5. it has business continuity.

Now when you are familair with all pros you should also be familar with its cons. Here goes the list of cons:

  1. there are many security concerns,
  2. there is administrative control – they are able to view your data,
  3. there may be delays in data transmissions to as well as from the cloud.

Bottom line

Now you know probably everything that you are supposed to know about Cloud storage, and we hope that thanks to this article you will be able to decide if it is the thing that you are going to be using or not.

We hope that you have enjoyed this article and think of it as useful!

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